Financial Support

In the first few months after diagnosis a Go Fund Me was established. Through this fundraiser, and some other generous gifts from friends near and far, the family have been able to have finance as one thing not to worry about. The act of generosity from over 150 donors has meant the world to us all, and we have shared of your generosity in depth with our children, to know they have an army of supporters around them. In 2022, the GoFundMe provided a means for the family to relocate to South Australia, where there was a strong friend and family base for the family to get through the initial treatment.

In January of 2024, the family, in consultation with the medical team, deemed it vital to seek further treatment for Murphy’s best chance for long-term survival. Therefore a second GoFundMe was created. This fund will be used for a range of expenses that the family will incur, for example: flights, relocation costs, visas, non-treatment medical expenses and much more. The GoFundMe showed an overwhelming level of support from near and far. Nearly 700 different people contributed towards the goal of AUD$200,000. WOW! Praise God!

We pray a blessing for everyone who has supported us in any way, and may your act of generosity bless you in return of your selfless act.


Prayer Points

Feb ‘24

  • Rejoice that God is good. Cancer is gone (Feb 15th 2024!)

  • Praise God that there was provision for a way to seek the next phase of treatment in the USA

Jan ‘24

  • Wisdom in choosing the best path forward for Murphy

  • Whole health for Murphy - confidence in himself, eating, physical healing in muscle and bone

  • Family support - that the children are all loved and have joy

Feb ‘23

  • Praise God for the surgical removal of the whole primary tumour!

  • Cycle 5 of chemotherapy begins this week, and the same drugs are used as cycle 3, see notes below

  • Pray for a comfort from the Holy Spirit for Murphy

Nov ‘22

  • Cycle 3 of chemo is very effective in killing Neuroblastoma but has devastating side effects with extreme nausea and vomiting expected also,

  • Most children experience permanent hearing loss after this chemotherapy. We are believing Murphy will be one of the few who don’t!

  • There is a risk with this type of chemotherapy that at the end of this 18month treatment for Neuroblastoma Murphy will be more susceptible to another type of cancer, we are again believing that this will not be the case!

  • Prayer also for the amazing oncology team managing Murphy’s case, for wisdom navigating the constant developments and treatment responses

  • Pray for the other children as they miss living with Murphy and mum!


  • Complete healing and 100% of tumours eradicated, in Jesus Name!

  • The treatment plan Murphy is on can combat what the cancer is doing and overcome it!

  • Sustained energy for the whole family, as they embark on the long journey

  • Focus on God the healer

  • May God the comforter be evident as the highs and lows are encountered

  • Murphy’s determination to fight, and his little body to cope with the onslaught of medications he has to have pass through his body

  • A call to donate blood (over 1/3 of donated blood is used by cancer patients)

  • Calista, Hugo and Ted feel known and loved, just the same as their brother

Support Needed (past and present)

  • Co-payment (Out of pocket expenses) for medications while out of the hospital

  • The Nowak’s will need to forfeit Nat’s wage as she has become the carer for Murphy - therefore provision for the family

  • An extensive and strict diet will need to be maintained for best results for treatment currently and well into the future

  • Gifts for Murphy throughout treatment, as they act as great encouragement with each procedure he undergoes

  • In the first 3 months of treatment, an extra home was needed to pay rent for, as well we extra items were needed to make Murphy’s new home comfortable and calm as he recovered from the first few rounds of treatment