PET is Clear!
Amen. Praise God!
Yesterday was a longer day at the hospital for Murphy, with the PET scan in the morning and a check-up in the afternoon. In true Murphy style, he braved it like a champion: all smiles, games, and fun.
This positive attitude doesn't diminish the emotions we were all experiencing. The day before, we had big "what if" conversations and deeply passionate prayers pleading with God for a clear result. Thankfully, our pastors came over with food and games that evening, both to fill our stomachs and souls with nourishment and to distract our wandering minds!
The Results
The PET scan results show no new uptake of the radioactive agent, meaning there is no detectable cancerous activity. This is cause for celebration, as the possibility of relapse is a very real possibility. But our God is greater.
For Those Wanting More Details
To follow on from last week's update, Murphy is still trying to overcome pneumonia. He is on his second type of antibiotic, as well as a couple of inhalers. We have seen some improvement, but ultimately, we would love to see him be able to run without coughing and sleep through the night without waking up. If you could pray for that, it would be appreciated.
Despite this mild sickness, Murphy is showing great signs of health, with his blood tests on track. His weight has remained stable, and his height has increased over the past year.
From what we know, the longer Murphy remains cancer-free, the stronger, healthier, and fitter his body can become!
Thank you for your continued support, love, and prayers! You will never know how much we appreciate it!
If you have the time, look back on the journey from September 2022, and you’ll see how mighty God has been! One of the first blogs is here, and it’ll shock you how far Murphy has come!