Is there any better picture than a little one peacefully sleeping?
When I get the chance to witness Murphy sleeping, it brings a collision of peace and heartbreak to me at the same time. Each night, when Murphy falls into a deep sleep, my heart breaks for him, knowing the pain he endures when he wakes each day, but it brings great encouragement as I watch him sleeping, knowing how much courage he has demonstrated thus far in his first month of treatment. It was reported by the doctors this week that Murphy has shown signs of being one of the sickest patients going through chemotherapy that they have seen in a long time. Murphy, on the other hand, defies odds by smiling through it and eating a Happy Meal each day, or some Aussie Vegemite toast!
Murphy eating some Vegemite toast!
Praise God for Dr Ashley, her care and love for Murphy has been amazing. Dr Ashley shared with Nat that Murphy is so special to her, that he is one of only a handful of kids in this country with this current condition and treatment plan. This news reminded me of last week’s blog! Gideon needed only 300 for the battle!
Memo for future: Murphy, when you look back on this blog in years to come and are healthy and playing sport, know that God delivered you through this cancer when all odds were stacked against you. God had you, and still has you, in the palm of His large and loving hand. And Murphy, the same goes for all your family and friends, therefore keep telling them of His great power.
Murphy being a cheeky boy with mum and dad
Ok, now for an update on what is to come this week, as you need to know, so you can besiege heaven in prayer with us!
Tuesday marks the beginning of 5 days of pre harvesting preparation for Murphy’s stem cell harvesting next week, in preparation for a Bone Marrow Transplant in the future. This includes many procedures, and a treatment with a high degree of difficulty due to the blood levels needing to be at a precise point for the harvesting to take place next week. There cannot be any infection in his body, and Murphy needs to be healthy in the lead up to the procedure. Murphy will receive a port into the leg this week, which will allow the procedure to take place next week; however, the injections for the pre harvesting through this port are said to be extremely painful (Murphy’s needing that courage that I mentioned earlier). Pray for peace and comfort through these procedures, and for health in his body. The harvesting next week is critical, and the doctors believe there is one opportunity to do this, therefore we need to pray that everything works at the right time.
Murphy playing a game of Hedbanz
On a lighter note to end, this past weekend was full of smiles and ‘sibling therapy’. Praise God we can share some happy moments between treatments. Thank you for your prayers and support, our family is forever grateful for them.