Prayer update


 Thank you! Here’s a short video Nat and I put together for you.

 We are now two weeks into prayer for Murphy’s upcoming MIBG and Nat and I are incredibly thankful for your continual prayer and support for Murphy. November 17th is when the next MIBG scan will take place, and in that same week he will have a GFR Kidney scan on the 14th.

 Here’s the major prayer points:

1.     Zero cancer

2.     GFR result above 60

3.     Creatinine below 40

 With the above results, Murphy will then live a life cancer free and be able to access further treatment to limit the chance of relapse. Praise Jesus.

Last week saw Murphy complete his third round of immunotherapy. The doctors were able to slightly increase the dosage, with 63% of the full dose being administered. The reason for withholding the whole dose was to help protect the kidneys from any further damage. Murphy had a good start to the week, but after testing positive for Covid, he developed some respiratory issues that raised concern for the latter part of the week. On Wednesday Murphy tested positive, with Nat following on the Thursday and myself testing positive on the Friday. The dominos didn’t stop there, with other family members falling ill. After discharge the whole family was able to enjoy a restful weekend at home.

 This week Murphy has an audiology fitting for hearing aids. While it is noted that Murphy has had permanent hearing loss from the chemotherapy, out of faith Nat has asked for a retest before the fitting takes place. Nat has strongly felt to ask for the retest as we are believing and asking God for a Miracle, we don’t want to miss it if it’s happened! Can you join us in faith, believing for a good audiology test this week…

 Looking ahead, please keep praying for the upcoming scans for Murphy! Let’s see great breakthrough in the coming 3 weeks! Can you pray for 5 minutes a day, not just for Murphy, but whoever else God places on your heart to pray for, and if you want to join us in fasting (in whatever capacity you can) on Wednesdays as well. It has also been a delight to see the whole family join in, with Calista, Hugo and Ted going without screens and all technology on Wednesdays!

 Today in the car I had a rare moment where I had no passengers with me, and with clarity of thought I dreamt of receiving the news of Murphy scoring a zero in the upcoming scan. I wept. The vision of the doctor explaining that Murphy no longer has cancer in his body made me then thank God for how far He has brought our boy. Just over a year ago Murphy’s body was 95% full cancer, and today he has just under 5% to go!