Let me begin with saying; “It has been a while”, and in this post I’ll share some of the reasons why I think it has been some time before posting.
He’s doing well! Murphy’s oncologist shared this morning that she was pleased at how well Murphy approaches life, in spite of all the treatment. Recently our boy had a ripple test, where the doctor asks an array of questions to ascertain if the patient has been mentally affected by treatment. Some examples of questions are, “do you have any difficulty walking?” or “Do you feel pain?” With all responses Murphy answered in the strongest possible way, “I’m totally normal” And then after some guiding from Nat to be more ‘realistic’ in his answers, because Murphy’s walking is severly affected by treatment, and Murphy’s background pain has been a cause for concern, Murphy ignored the guiding and stressed to the doctor a second time, “I said I’m fine, completely normal. See, look at me run.” In saying all of this, Murphy has come out of last round of Immunotherapy well, and has had a three week break of treatment in which it has been delightful seeing him well and playful!
It has been a busy season! I dislike using the word busy as sometimes in this current world, as it’s a desirable word for many who strive to be busy. However, in this instance, it is an apt word to describe the past month! Between school, dance, sport, swimming, functions, graduations, carols, end of year parties, birthday parties, dinners with friends and much more, we’re all a little exhausted, but in the best way! To see all of these pictures, make sure you click here to go to the blog page.
We’re busy looking ahead. Over the last few blog posts I have alluded to future treatment options for our boy. Nat and I have spent countless hours over the past 3 months researching options and prayerfully considering ‘next steps’. Now I won’t bore you with the thesis of information that we’ve landed on and feel convicted to pursue, however; I will say that some things are falling into place. I will share that we are thankful to God that we live in an age where there is great advancement happening for children with Neuroblastoma. Next month we plan to host an information night where we would love your attendance both in-person or streaming online! Once we lock in details I will share with you.
Murphy was taken for a ride in these two great cars from some good friends
Schedule this week. ROUND 5! This was going to be the final round of Immunotherapy, but thanks to Nat, there will be a round 6 in January. Due to Nat’s persistence and incredible care for Murphy, she was able to push for a ‘make-up’ round. This is due to rounds 2 and 3 being a lower dose due to the uncertainty of kidney damage. Round 4 was given at 100% dosage and went very well, therefore Murphy will have this round (Round 5) and next round, 6 at 100%. Then following the January dose Murphy will have his next MIBG test.
Today has been admission day, and being the week before Christmas, Nat and Calista have been busy turning our favourite room on the ward into Murphy’s Christmas Cave! Check it out… Murphy plans to leave gifts outside the door or the other Children with cancer to stop by and receive as they are in hospital having treatment over the Christmas period!
Prayer - Please continue to pray that this round sees the end of all cancer be killed. Let every cell in his body be clear and disease free. May his kidney function remain stable. And finally, pray that the whole family has a wonderful Christmas season, as that is my prayer for you. Christmas is the very day where Jesus Christ entered the world, and 2000+ years later we’re celebrating that miraculous birth.
Let me close with something that I think will be helpful for you, especially coming into the New Year season where we look back as well as plan ahead. God gave me the picture of ‘scars’ in looking at how to see events from 2023. A scar on the surface of the skin isn’t overly pleasing to see, but it is the body’s reaction to a breaking of the skin that causes this reaction. Scars of life could evoke many memories/emotions/thoughts for you, but for 2023 I see many scars now at the end of the year. When I think of the metaphorical scars of this past year, they are scars that represent what has now closed up and healed, rather than a scar that triggers pain or sad memories. I am choosing to see the good that has taken place this year, and my hope is that you too can look at the same good in your life and how we can run into 2024 with great expectations!
Hugo has graduated Year 6 and will be entering high school next year!
Ted was awarded the ‘Character’ award, he has demonstrated a beautiful spirit this year!
A rare lunch date with my boy. He loved margarita pizza, but calls the basil ‘weeds’. Hence why you can see his slice of pizza has no green weeds on it, haha!