If I could ask for one prayer…
One prayer, that’s all I ask. Can you please pray for our boy right now. Pray for a test result that says there is no cancer. No Evidence of Disease (NED) is what we are desperate for. Tomorrow, Friday 23rd June, Murphy has his third MIBG test. And unlike the last test, we are wanting more than anything for a clear result. Can I ask that you pray tomorrow like you’ve never prayed before. There is one thing I know to be true, God listens to our prayers. You are part of an army across the globe that have been following Murphy’s Miracle, and it is moments like this that we need you to help us in storming heaven for Murphy. Here’s why…
Look at the bottom for a photo of where the ice cream ended, hehe!
There has been a delay in radiotherapy, different to the information that I wrote in the last blog, because like all things, nothing has gone to plan like we thought. In the chaos of trying to solve the problem to a delayed MIBG test, we were informed radiotherapy could have begun without the MIBG test, however the radiotherapy oncologist decided they wanted the MIBG test before they begin to map how they’ll start the next phase of treatment. This was a tough blow for Nat and I, as we felt strongly that no time should be wasted in treatment. We have since realised sometimes God puts these delays in our path to be reminded that our hope is in Him and nothing else.
Last Friday Nat and I sat down in a meeting with the radiotherapy oncologist, who gave us some hard facts. One of these facts is that ‘they’ (the medical professional team treating Murphy) were surprised at how slow Murphy was responding to chemotherapy. No one has conveyed this to us like that. It hit hard. The team were hoping for a zero in the LAST MIBG. (Insert a long and slow exhale). But where doctors have facts, we have faith. Nat medically couldn’t have children; we now have 4. At 5 months old, Teddy survived Meningococcal Disease and there are many more miracles to share. Therefore, because God has done it before, I believe He will do it again.
The Bible builds faith, because it is filled with examples of how God has healed many. With a single touch of Jesus’ robe, the woman was healed. The good news is the Bible is not dead. The Bible is the living and breathing word of God. Therefore, these testimonies that we become so familiar with are life changing, they’re faith building. Romans 8 has given Nat and I some of the best news this week, please let me share this with you to encourage and equip you:
Romans 8:25 – But if we hope for what we do not see, we wait for it with patience.
Please, can you join me in HOPING for a whole and complete Murphy. Disease free. Cancer free. And Joy FULL.
Romans 8 is in fact packed with God’s goodness and grace, you may want to pause and read the entire chapter. There are so many verses in this passage that it’ll build your faith completely.
Tomorrow, Murphy’s MIBG will take place any time between 7am and 1pm Adelaide time. After which Nat and I are hoping to receive the results either later that day, or Monday next week. We will update here once we find out the results. Until then, please hope and pray with us, and wait patiently.
Our God is a God who hears and heals.
Here are some pictures over the past two weeks, of Murphy spending some time doing school work online, baking, playing and waiting for his next.