Plans and Protocols


Plans and protocols.

After a global pandemic, where the world overused words like pivot, adapt, alter and renew, it still is frustrating when plans simply… change. As humans, we are asked to present our plans before the Lord, and with this instruction alone in the book of Proverbs, it seems exciting! It’s exciting because we can plan and we can create plans! HOWEVER, a verse later, Proverbs 16 says that the Lord will order our steps. Therefore, when Nat and I presented our ‘plans’ to God in 2022, none of this was a part of them, but what we do know is that God is helping us take each step. Murphy’s 2022 and now ’23 has had nothing but hiccups and road bumps. Not a whole lot has gone to plan, and with each change, it takes its toll mentally and physically.


This week has been no exception.

 June 9th has been a date I have been looking forward to because Murphy was scheduled for his next MIBG, the test that will indicate how much cancer may still in his body. Last week Nat received a call from the hospital saying that there was not enough staff to complete this test, therefore there may be a delay up to a month in his overall treatment plan. The issue with this news, was that it would delay the start of radiotherapy, an outcome we did not want for Murphy. Our hope is for Murphy to have no delay, and proceed with the treatment protocol, as per the plan. Nat and I prayerfully considered all of the information given to us and felt in our spirit that we needed to explore all options. This led both the medical team, and us exploring options that had not befoe been considered and thinking outside the box. Do we fly to Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane…Do we drive to Brisbane… Do we push for the system to get a trained technician to operate the MIBG machine here in Adelaide.



 Waking up Monday this week the leading idea was to fly back to Brisbane for the test, but it needed Murphy to be cleared to fly, and due to his previous blood clots in the lungs, this proved a risky decision. A CTPA scan was booked for Tuesday, and if that CTPA scan showed no clots, then Brisbane would be a GO and we would fly out to Brisbane the following morning. A phone call later, told us that Murphy’s oncologist worked tirelessly over the weekend and found a way for him to start his radiotherapy treatment without the need of a MIBG scan to map the treatment initially. This means a break of protocol… something that is rarely even considered; however we know God makes a way for Murphy and hears our prayers. Smiles were had on Monday, when finding out this great news.



 Tuesday brought about the CTPA scan, but Murphy’s body provided even more changes to the plan! The team could not access Murphy’s veins due to him having such intensive chemotherapy and therefore they postponed it until the day after, and Murphy would now go under General Anaesthetic.



 Murphy lay there going off to sleep on the Wednesday for the scan, and after 2 hours, we were called to come in to be there for when he woke up after the scan. It was then in clinic while we waited for Murphy to wake up when Nat received a call to say that Murphy no longer has any blood clots! Praise God! Having no clots means that his body was able to correct itself, and that he wouldn’t need lifelong blood thinners! This is also a huge win for Murphy and a little bit less heartbreak for us as his parents, as for the ,last 3 months murphy has been on twice daily leg injections to dissolve the clots.


Friday 9th June

 No MIBG, as per ‘our’ plan, but not God’s plan. This is part of God ordering the steps. The new date is now the 23rd June for the MIBG. Can you please continue to pray that this test shows ZERO cancer. Nat and I firmly believe that this delay in the test is just a way to build even more faith, because we wait with great anticipation that our Heavenly Father has removed all cancer from Murphy’s body. I hope this will stir your faith too!


Thank you for your support in this season! Through the ups and downs, the lefts and rights, the plans and ‘change of plans’.

